Body Spa At Home

Body Spa at Home
By Amber Woods
As an esthetician, I specialize in the nuanced practices of caring for the skin on your face. This skin is delicate and finicky and loves special attention. Because you can literally create an entire career out of just working with the face, I don’t talk much about caring for the body skin. But as a special treat for everyone staying home right now, I want to share some ideas for a “Body Spa at Home” with things you likely have in your kitchen!
Being asked to stay home, we aren’t getting as much stimulation and circulation as we might usually. This affects all of our systems and can make the skin on our bodies feel dull and dry. So I’ve put together a nourishing routine to try to get things moving and get your skin feeling polished and glowing. This routine includes a lymph stimulating body brushing, a luxurious scrub, and a self body oil massage!
Things you will need:
-Body Oil (preferably cold-pressed and unrefined, but work with what you have): Olive, Coconut, Almond, Grapeseed, Sunflower, Safflower, and Sesame (not toasted!) are all possibilities that you might have in your cabinet.
-Sea Salt or Sugar
-Herbs or Spices (optional if you have any) dried or fresh from your garden (Rosemary, Cinnamon, Basil, Thyme, Lemon Balm, Rose Petals, Mint)
-Essential oils (optional if you have any) such as Lemon, Rosemary, Lavender, and Eucalyptus
-A bowl and spoon
-A dry brush, washcloth, or something textured
-A towel that can get oil on it
-A shower
-some privacy
Let's Begin!
First, let’s mix up a body scrub. Pour 1/4 cup of salt or sugar into your bowl. Add herbs or spices (optional), mix some favorites in. If they are fresh, chop them up or, if they are dry, sprinkle some in. You only need a small amount, maybe 1/4 - 1 tsp. Add 1 Tbsp. oil (from list above) of your choice to the mix and stir well with a spoon. The oil should coat the mixture and make it slightly clumpy. Add a bit more oil if needed, but not too much! Add 1-2 drops of Essential Oil (also optional). Get creative with whatever you have on hand! The mix I just made was sugar, olive oil, and 1/4 tsp cinnamon!
Take this mix to the bathroom and set the mood by lighting a candle and taking some deep breaths.
You will want to strip down. Start by stimulating your lymph system with a dry brush, washcloth, or something textured. On dry skin, use small strokes starting at your feet and moving up towards your heart. Do your feet, calves, knees, thighs, butt, stomach, hands, arms, chest, and neck, always lightly stroking towards your heart.
Once this is complete, sit down on the floor or on a chair on your towel. Use your chosen oil to do a full body massage, again, starting at your feet and working up to your neck. No need to use a strong pressure, just nice strokes all the way working small amounts of oil into the skin.
Once this is complete, step into your shower with your scrub. Scrub handfuls onto your entire body (minus intimate areas) in a nice circular motion. Add a little warm water if needed to help it spread. Once coated and scrubbed, turn on a warm shower and rinse completely and enjoy the waterfall. If you are brave, finish the shower with a cold shot of water. Step out and towel off and you will feel like a million bucks, fresh and moisturized! (note: using oil in your bathroom and your tub may make it slippery, so be cautious and be sure to clean up later to avoid slips!)
Voila, you just created your own body spa!
P.S. Take it up a notch by doing an oil cleanse and putting on a mask before you start! If you don't have a mask, use raw honey or plain yogurt! (note: don't use any mask that will get very dried out during this process (like clay), it will dehydrate your face!)
P.P.S. This might sound like a long and arduous process, but I promise you it isn't. I did the whole thing in 15 minutes and I feel amazing. But you can take it much slower if you like.
Leave a comment with how you liked this routine or any questions!